Children - what do YOU need ?

What is children and youth therapy?

Thank you for visiting my site. Probably you have read or heard about child and youth therapy and you would like to know more about it. Maybe your parents spoke to you about it, because they want to have support for you. They believe that they and you could use help with a challenge and want you to learn a new skill.  Or maybe you heard about it and you are curious how this could help you. Is it something for me? Being curious is already a good start.  

If you are 11 years and younger, then only your parents will see me, but if you are already 12 years old, you can join the intake interview, a fancy word for getting-to-know-each-other. I would like you to join, because I believe you have something to say too. Are you 16 years old, you can visit me without your parents and choose yourself if you would like to start your learning journey. 

You need to be YOU !

When you start child and youth therapy, you only need to be you. You can choose your journey, the things you want to learn and say the things you want to say. Maybe you want to draw, play or just talk. It is up to you! During our work together, you and I work on a goal, a goal that you choose. A goal that makes your life happier. Maybe your goal is:

  • I want to cope with emotions and feelings like sadness, anger, loneliness, feeling homesick, jealousy, feeling guilty
  • I don’t want annoying thoughts, for example ‘I can’t do it, nobody likes me, I feel lonely, I can’t make a choice’ 
  • I don’t want to be bullied and I want to stand up for myself
  • I want to learn how to make friends
  • I want to stop sucking my thumb, biting my nails or other habits 
  • I don’t want to be scared for the dentist, going to school, for the dark
  • I want to cope with my parents divorce
  • I want to cope with the sadness of the loss of a person
  • I don’t want to pee in my bed anymore

These are only a few examples and maybe you have a different goal. Tell me, and we will work making your life a lot happier. 

But how?

But what happens next?

It all starts with an intake; a get-together. It can be with only your parents, or you and your parents, or maybe just you. Your parents can explain what they think what the challenge is and why child and youth therapy might help you to deal with that challenge.  However, your opinion might be different than your parents view. Maybe you believe there is another challenge in your life. My goal is to help you to focus on your challenge and help your parents how to support you in your learning journey. 

After this first meeting, we will start our sessions and you choose how to work. Maybe you want to play, draw, do a game or even play on my drums or draw a cartoon. Or maybe we can analyse your challenge by making a mind-map. It is up to you. By doing this, you and I find out what you would like to change in your life and how to do this.  By taking the ownership of your journey, you are in control of your journey and you can make your life happier!  

I am here for you...

Every five to seven sessions we will evaluate your learning journey. During those meetings, your parents will learn how they can support you to reach your goal. YOU decide what you want to tell them, because everything you say during the sessions is confidential. When you are 12 years and older, I would like you to be present at those meetings. I believe you are old enough to communicate your thoughts and goals.  

Your journey at Child and Youth therapy Wereldkind will be an experience that could be a life-changer for you. For sure, you and I are going to work together on a happier YOU !

Do you know I have a free, weekly walk-in?

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